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cropped-Mission-to-Seafarers-logoSeafarers play a vital role in our daily lives. We depend on them to bring us food, electronic items, raw materials, and other essential cargo. Raw materials supply our industries and finished goods fill our stores and homes. In addition, we depend on the seafarers to ship our exports overseas to help pay for the imports. Without ships and seafarers, trade would cease and our lives would be almost unrecognizable.

It is our privilege to welcome all seafarers while they are in Seattle. Our chaplain and ship visitor programs visits ships and arranges transportation to the Center or for shopping in the city. The Center has phones and computers for the use of seafarers and is wired for Wifi so they can use their own laptops. When seafarers are not allowed to leave their ship, we bring cell phones and low cost phone cards to them so that they can call home while in port and we also offer to do any necessary shopping for them.

How You Can Help Mission to Seafarers

There are three ways you can support the Mission to Seafarers:


To learn more and support the Mission to Seafarers, please visit their website.